BITTER LAB: Mapping emotions of bitterness
Bitter Lab is where we figure out if there really is a cure for bitterness. Just as forgetting is an under-appreciated skill and silence is an overlooked strategy, curing bitterness is a forgotten art…or science…probably both. We are artists and scientists in this adventurous thinking that we believe will lead to something concrete.
One focus of Bitter Lab is on participatory mapping as a way to understand the relationship of bitterness, city and community. Bitter Lab is also developing a facilitative leadership workshop about bitterness that will help participants understand what constitutes bitterness, how bitterness influences community-building processes at work and at home, and ways that bitterness can be treated and managed.
So let us figure out!
Project examples:
Emograph: This is an example for creating a unique and original survey to explore the concept of community, identity and belonging. You can also find out your bitterness level here!
A Salt Apology: Collaborating with local organizations, the South of Market Community Action Network (SOMCAN) and the ENACT Youth Committee in San Francisco, CA, the project identified and mapped out a sense of bitterness that youth participants felt over places in their community.